Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Our little ladybug!

I posted last week on facebook how we found out we are having a GIRL! I had mostly boy dreams, so I thought there was a little boy in there...but nope! She is all girl! When I first got pregnant I was thinking of baby rooms, and how if I had a girl I wanted a ladybug theme for her room. One day there was a ladybug on my windshield...then I found a ladybug on my deck a week later. That was the only time I thought "is this a sign!?" Am I having a girl? I guess it was a little sign!

Our plan was to open the envelope our ultrasound tech so nicely wrote the sex in on Christmas. That lasted all about 30 minutes. Matt had to know, and I broke fast. He read the picture that said "GIRL" to me and I was in total shock. BEST shock of my life...of our lives really. We are both over the moon happy and very very thankful for our little ladybug!

Also, as far as feeling her move, I have felt little flutters since I was around 15 weeks. In the past week and a half I can feel her jab and kick...the feelings are so much stronger. Matt has not been able to feel yet, but it is so close! We try to see if she will kick extra hard for him almost every night. I bet in the next week of so we will have a success story!

I am posting some pictures from my last couple of ultrasounds. I had my anatomy scan ultrasound today that my mom was able to come to since Matt had to work. Ladybug was moving all around and kicking her little legs. She is the cutest!

It's a GIRL!! Look at those little butt cheeks.

Sitting Indian style.

Profile view. Her mouth is open. And you can see her little nose!

This is her leg. She is grabbing her ankle! (Leg is bent)

Holy scary face. Mouth is wide open and you can see her eyeball! She is yelling...she is so my kid.

The ultrasound tech made this one for Matt. He wanted to double check she was still a girl since we found out last week LOL!

Here are some baby bump pictures. :) I totally creep in my work bathroom.
14 weeks

16 weeks

18 weeks

18 weeks

18 1/2 weeks
Last but not least....a little TMI for those who care. My placenta rose and is in a normal spot. No more increased risk of a c-section, which is nice. Still not a guarantee, but at least I have a shot! I will be taking the epidural too...if I could get that the day before my due date that would be great. Ha!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Boston visit :)

Matt's parents came to town this past weekend and we had the BEST time with them! They got to see (and stay of course) at the new house, which was perfect timing. The last time they were in Boston was for our weekend 2 1/2 years ago! We could not have asked for better snow and sunny skies! It was a little cool, but hey that is what fall on the east coast is like! No 90 degree Dallas temps here. :)

We went into the North End with my parents to this really awesome Italian restaurant. Then went on to a pastry place that had huge desserts! Here are some pictures of Mom with a huge lobster tail she ate all by herself. She wouldn't share, can you believe that! Kidding ;) I know she is cringing while reading this haha!

Here are some pictures of all of us at a teeny tiny table at the pastry place. It was PACKED. We got cannolis too. The amount of food we ate all weekend was ridic. Can you pick out the Italians in these pics??? haha And my Dad with that face. He thinks he is hilarious.

We also went to the beach for some lobster rolls one afternoon. And one night my mom made a huge meal that we all thought we were going to die at because we ate so much. My mom is a great cook...not sure where I came from. I get my cooking skills from my dad...aka no cooking skills LOL.

Here are some pictures of Matt and his mom and dad. Such a nice day out! We had such a great time and can't wait to see everyone on the Collar side at Thanksgiving in Colorado!

Long lost house pictures!

The house has taken the back burner as far as blog posts go! Baby C really took over like the wild child it is. We have been putting some finishing touches on our house and I have taken some pictures of the progress. This past weekend Matt's parents were in town and Dad helped us put up all of our door stoppers, decorative shelves AND toilet paper holders! Until you have no toilet paper holders, you do not realize how awesome they are. Sad reality.

Anyways! I thought I would post some pictures of the house. We are absolutely loving homeowner life! Life is very good to us. :)
Finally got an ottoman/coffee table. Also added some shelves behind the couch and an area rug! Love those.

Curtains for the windows in the table room and living room. Curtains do wonders for a room.

Out bedroom. Still needs more on the walls.

All of my china is in that buffet. Morgie snuck in for an appearance.


Study/guest room. Needs some major work. A desk would probably be a good idea HA

Guest room.

Different view of guest room.

Baby room! 
 As you can see we still have a ways to go with decorating. But it is coming along! I will post more pictures as we finish more rooms. :)

Our baby loves to wave

I got to see Baby C today for the THIRD time! Of course he/she was waving at us...kid loves to wave. It never fails to make me laugh. This time Matt could not come, so my mom and sister came. They loved it and my mom asked 8 million questions. The nurse was so nice and showed her around my uterus LOL. The 3 of us got to hear the heartbeat too. That is pretty freakin cool! At first he/she was sleepy and kind of stretching its arms and legs. Then the nurse gave it a couple of jabs through my belly and got it to move. It was waving and moving its little hands and feet! Vey cute. I just love seeing our baby!

So, the real question from some of you veteran moms is probably "why the hell do you get so many ultrasounds?" This may be tmi for some, but I have a low lying placenta that they are going to monitor. Worse case is I would need a c section if it does not rise like it should. Today when they checked it, there was some slight improvement. I'm just at 14 weeks, so they said there is still plenty of time for the placenta to rise to its normal spot. Not ideal, but until its where they want it I get to have an ultrasound every 2-3 weeks! Next one is December 2nd. Can't wait!

Here are some pictures of Baby C:
Facing us! Alien baby (head on right)! You can see its little arm and fingers too... waving per usual.

Profile pic (head on right)
I also think I can feel Baby C swimming around in there. It's not a kick, but its like a whirlpool in my belly. I notice it mostly at night when I am lying around. It is a cool feeling! I can't wait until we can feel kicking.

I did not post these last time...kind of delayed, possibly kind of gross, but damn right I saved them. My pee sticks! I have no shame. I also peed on like 10 of just didn't cut it for me LOL.

Holy pregnant...test # 1 (9/2/11)

Then, I ran to the store and grabbed some digitals.  Yes Lea, you are "pregnant".

I continued to pee on several other tests that same day b/c I was still in shock.  I.Am.Crazy.
Me and a couple of pee sticks. All smiles :)
Matt and I still can't believe this is really happening. We are trying to decide on finding out the sex/gender (whatever you want to call it). I'm "team green" aka not wanting to find out. Matt is chomping at the bit. It will be around Christmas if we decide to find out. Also, I need to start looking into daycares and registering. We went into babies R us and we were like fish out of water. It is like a foreign country in there. All I concluded was that car seats are ridiculously heavy and there was not even a baby in it! I need to start doing some major baby research!

Much love people! xoxo

Monday, October 31, 2011

Baby "C" Makes Three!!!!!

Well, when I first started this blog I remember thinking I would start it off with the house building project and then "whatever else came after that". I knew it would eventually be about our future babies, but holy moly that was a fast turnaround! Yup, you are reading this correctly...Matt and I are having a baby! Due May 12, 2012!

We found out Labor Day weekend. I got out of work early that Friday and something told me to get my butt to CVS and pee on a stick. That is just what I did. I didn't even tell Matt because I thought I was mentally insane...those who know me well know I am a hypochondriac. I had been feeling "off" and thought there could be a chance so why not rule it out. I buy the test, bring it home and do what the directions say. I look at the test, with Morgie and Feni blinking at me and holy CRAP it has two lines! I know enough about pregnancy tests that two lines = reproduction, so I instantly start screaming to the dogs, running around with this positive test in my hand. I call Matt, who is still at work:
Me:  "Matt...I'm pregnant..."
Matt: "Shut-up"
Me: "Matt...I'm pregnant!!!"
Matt: "Ummm let me call you back in 10 minutes...I'm in my cube at work"

And thats how I told my husband we are having a baby! HAHA. Not how I pictured it, but come on...give me a break! Needless to say we are both very happy and feel VERY very blessed. It is finally feeling real as I see my belly grow..and the scale go up as well. It is REALLY weird seeing my body change right in front of my face. Not thrilled that my pants no longer button, but thrilled to have a happy, healthy baby in there. :)

Here is a picture from our 8 week ultrasound. Of course I have a story behind this one. Matt almost fainted! I am on the table and the tech is performing the ultrasound on me. Matt is standing on my side watching the screen. The tech is going through the measurements, showing us the head and all that fun stuff and then we see the heartbeat. Coolest thing ever! Well, Matt thinks because the heart is beating so fast that something is wrong and instantly says "I'm getting tunnel vision....I need to sit down...I think I'm going to pass out". WHAT??? Me and the tech are laughing at him, and they offer him water and towels to wipe away the sweat beating off his forehead and soaking through his shirt. Total disaster! He came around though and was fine. We all had a good laugh and proceeded with the ultrasound. God help us come delivery time. :)

Here is a picture from our 12 week appointment. Baby "C" is waving hello!!! Hi Baby "C"!

Baby waving hello :)

On belly, legs tucked in

Lastly, here are some belly shots. :) And I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm thinking I want to wait to find out if this is a boy or girl. Matt is pushing to know, so we will see! I have time before the decision has to be made.
5 weeks

9 weeks

10 weeks

11 weeks

12 weeks!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

aaaaaand CLOSE!

Well, here we are at the end of our house building journey! We officially close on the house tomorrow, and we did our final walk through tonight. There were just a few paint touch ups we want done, but that should be easy. We are so happy and excited with how everything turned out! Here are some pictures of our new digs! Once we move in I will post pics of the furniture setup. Enjoy!