Saturday, January 28, 2012

There is a ninja in my belly!

I have not blogged in a while...I have been slacking big time! Over the past month Matt and I have been busy thinking about and planning the baby room theme. Of course it will be ladybug central in there! And to make it ridiculously challenging I picked a purple ladybug theme. Do you know how hard it is to find purple ladybug anything!? Ridiculous. Matt always says "it's because there is no such thing as a purple ladybug!". I tell him there is now baby! I searched high and low for purple ladybug bedding and finally found the perfect set at Sears. I can't even tell you the last time I was in Sears, but thats where I found it! Go figure. We also ordered a ladybug and butterfly wall stencil kit, which we will paint in the next couple of weeks. It is just the cutest! I'm going to put the wall art (as it's called) on one of the walls in her room...kind of like a little accent wall. We also ordered her furniture and it will be delivered next Saturday! All but the rocker..which should be in soon. I can't wait to see her stuff all set up. Makes this whole "having a baby" thing even more real! We even bought diapers today since we had a coupon. They are up in her room as we speak. :) I can't believe her butt will be that small!

Here are some long overdue baby bump pictures. I am in full on maternity clothes now which are straight up heavenly. I suggest everyone wear maternity pants forever. I don't know how I will ever go back to buttons and zippers!

19 weeks

20 weeks

20 weeks

21 weeks

23 weeks. Whoa!

25 weeks...had to bare belly it. Shirts do not give the bump justice.

25 weeks

Here are more pictures of some outfits we have gotten or been given! They are all so SO cute. I can't wait to put her in all her outfits!

Mommy bought her this tutu...obvi!

A friend from Dallas made the baby hat and sent her these adorable outfits!

Her hat and headband collection is growing! Look at the pom pom socks...hilarious!

Baby C kicks like a little maniac. Matt can feel her kicking (or punching) and we can see her actually move my stomach. It cracks us up. The best is when I am in a work meeting and she starts spaz-ing out. Trying to ignore baby kicks is impossible. I can't help but smile EVERY time. People at work must think i'm either hitting on them or certifiably insane. I am also getting a lot of belly touches. From friends and family I'm totally ok with this...from randos I am ooged out! I take it in stride though! They mean well. At least they are not lifting my shirt!

Once we have the baby furniture set up I will start posting more about the nursery. We can't wait to see Baby C! Imagining what she will look like is fun...but nothing will compare to seeing her little squirming body once she is here! She is going to look like a little tan Italian, I can just tell! Hopefully she has Matt's eyes...and athletic abilities! We will just have to wait and see. 15 weeks left until our due date! Come oooon Baby C!