Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Our little ladybug!

I posted last week on facebook how we found out we are having a GIRL! I had mostly boy dreams, so I thought there was a little boy in there...but nope! She is all girl! When I first got pregnant I was thinking of baby rooms, and how if I had a girl I wanted a ladybug theme for her room. One day there was a ladybug on my windshield...then I found a ladybug on my deck a week later. That was the only time I thought "is this a sign!?" Am I having a girl? I guess it was a little sign!

Our plan was to open the envelope our ultrasound tech so nicely wrote the sex in on Christmas. That lasted all about 30 minutes. Matt had to know, and I broke fast. He read the picture that said "GIRL" to me and I was in total shock. BEST shock of my life...of our lives really. We are both over the moon happy and very very thankful for our little ladybug!

Also, as far as feeling her move, I have felt little flutters since I was around 15 weeks. In the past week and a half I can feel her jab and kick...the feelings are so much stronger. Matt has not been able to feel yet, but it is so close! We try to see if she will kick extra hard for him almost every night. I bet in the next week of so we will have a success story!

I am posting some pictures from my last couple of ultrasounds. I had my anatomy scan ultrasound today that my mom was able to come to since Matt had to work. Ladybug was moving all around and kicking her little legs. She is the cutest!

It's a GIRL!! Look at those little butt cheeks.

Sitting Indian style.

Profile view. Her mouth is open. And you can see her little nose!

This is her leg. She is grabbing her ankle! (Leg is bent)

Holy scary face. Mouth is wide open and you can see her eyeball! She is yelling...she is so my kid.

The ultrasound tech made this one for Matt. He wanted to double check she was still a girl since we found out last week LOL!

Here are some baby bump pictures. :) I totally creep in my work bathroom.
14 weeks

16 weeks

18 weeks

18 weeks

18 1/2 weeks
Last but not least....a little TMI for those who care. My placenta rose and is in a normal spot. No more increased risk of a c-section, which is nice. Still not a guarantee, but at least I have a shot! I will be taking the epidural too...if I could get that the day before my due date that would be great. Ha!