Sunday, July 31, 2011

Looking more and more like a house!

Things have been happening fast over the past couple of weeks with the outside of the house. They finished the siding, stone and deck, which we are really excited about! We can't believe how much this is staring to look like our house...the one we have been picturing since the day we bought our dirt!

Here are some pictures of the outside as it has progressed over the last couple of weeks.

Here are some pictures of the deck. I can't wait to get a little patio set for it and hang out on it during the summer. Of course, by the time we move in it will be chilly, so we will have to wait until next summer to really enjoy it...go figure!!!

Siding the house. The whole siding process maybe too four days. It looked like really hard, tedious work, but I was surprised on how quickly they got it done.

Prepping for the stone.

Putting on the stone! I love it! We are the only ones in the neighborhood to pick this stone color and shape. We are both really happy with how it turned out.

Of course I had to get us to pose with the "sold" sign!



This weekend we finalized all of the electrical outlets and lights in the house. That was not so fun for us. By the end of it, I wanted to tell the builder to just add in plugs and lights where the hell he wanted! But we stuck it out. Stuff like that is less fun to me. We also picked out our appliances, which was in Boston...I mean really??? Boston? We were not thrilled about driving into the city, but we had fun picking out the fridge, stove, dishwasher etc. I love a stainless steel appliance! Next weekend we have to pick out tile for the bathrooms and actual light fixtures for the house. We did do a lot of recessed lighting, but the bedrooms and dining area will need fixtures. We walked briefly into the lighting store on Saturday, looked at hanging lights for about 2 minutes and then walked out. I think we were beat down from appliance shopping, so we threw in the towel on lights for this weekend. Fail! Next weekend we will get it over with. I can't be the only one that thinks light stores are ridiculously annoying? I mean how many fixtures can you shove onto the ceiling before they all start blending together? I just need a catalog PLEASE.

We have 2 months to go! But who is counting. ;)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

House Progress

Well, Matt and I continue to house stalk. We really can't wait until the house is ready! This week they finished the roof and put on the roof shingles. The windows and sliding doors were also put in, so the house is closed up. Our shower and fireplace is also is so fun to see our house being put together. We were supposed to finalize our bathroom granite choices this weekend, but we did not have enough time. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we can check that off the list. Here are some pictures of the past weeks progress.

Stairs going up to second floor.

Front of house.

Back deck. Sliding door off of kitchen.

Sliding door in basement.

Master bath shower.

Roof shingles are on!

Front door.

Living room.

Creeping on the builders.

Front bedroom on second floor.

Master bedroom on first floor.

Some other items we have to tackle in the next month or two:

1. Tile for the bathrooms and laundry room.
2. Carpet for the bedrooms.
3. Hardwood for the rest of the house.
4. Lighting (recessed lights, fans, etc)

We still have quite a bit to do, but we have plenty of time. It seems like we are still on target to close on October close but so far! I will post more pictures once the siding is on, which should be soon.