Monday, October 31, 2011

Baby "C" Makes Three!!!!!

Well, when I first started this blog I remember thinking I would start it off with the house building project and then "whatever else came after that". I knew it would eventually be about our future babies, but holy moly that was a fast turnaround! Yup, you are reading this correctly...Matt and I are having a baby! Due May 12, 2012!

We found out Labor Day weekend. I got out of work early that Friday and something told me to get my butt to CVS and pee on a stick. That is just what I did. I didn't even tell Matt because I thought I was mentally insane...those who know me well know I am a hypochondriac. I had been feeling "off" and thought there could be a chance so why not rule it out. I buy the test, bring it home and do what the directions say. I look at the test, with Morgie and Feni blinking at me and holy CRAP it has two lines! I know enough about pregnancy tests that two lines = reproduction, so I instantly start screaming to the dogs, running around with this positive test in my hand. I call Matt, who is still at work:
Me:  "Matt...I'm pregnant..."
Matt: "Shut-up"
Me: "Matt...I'm pregnant!!!"
Matt: "Ummm let me call you back in 10 minutes...I'm in my cube at work"

And thats how I told my husband we are having a baby! HAHA. Not how I pictured it, but come on...give me a break! Needless to say we are both very happy and feel VERY very blessed. It is finally feeling real as I see my belly grow..and the scale go up as well. It is REALLY weird seeing my body change right in front of my face. Not thrilled that my pants no longer button, but thrilled to have a happy, healthy baby in there. :)

Here is a picture from our 8 week ultrasound. Of course I have a story behind this one. Matt almost fainted! I am on the table and the tech is performing the ultrasound on me. Matt is standing on my side watching the screen. The tech is going through the measurements, showing us the head and all that fun stuff and then we see the heartbeat. Coolest thing ever! Well, Matt thinks because the heart is beating so fast that something is wrong and instantly says "I'm getting tunnel vision....I need to sit down...I think I'm going to pass out". WHAT??? Me and the tech are laughing at him, and they offer him water and towels to wipe away the sweat beating off his forehead and soaking through his shirt. Total disaster! He came around though and was fine. We all had a good laugh and proceeded with the ultrasound. God help us come delivery time. :)

Here is a picture from our 12 week appointment. Baby "C" is waving hello!!! Hi Baby "C"!

Baby waving hello :)

On belly, legs tucked in

Lastly, here are some belly shots. :) And I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm thinking I want to wait to find out if this is a boy or girl. Matt is pushing to know, so we will see! I have time before the decision has to be made.
5 weeks

9 weeks

10 weeks

11 weeks

12 weeks!!