Sunday, September 30, 2012

I am your MOTHER because...

I became your mother long before you were born. At 4 weeks pregnant my life and everything that interested me or consumed me went out the window. You became the center of my attention. I am your mother because at every, single doctor appointment and ultrasound I held my breath because I wanted nothing more in the world than to see or hear your heartbeat. I am your mother because I wanted everything...from the nursery to the "coming home outfit" be perfect for you. I am your mother because the second you were born I automatically reached for you, like a reflex, an instinct. I am your mother because I often look back at pictures from a few months ago and cry because you are growing so fast. I cry when I write in your baby book, and I cry when you get your shots at the doctors office. I am your mother because one of my favorite times of the day is rocking you to sleep and I get jealous when it is Daddy's turn. I am your mother because I worry if you ate enough, slept enough, hell...I even worry about what outfit you are going to wear! I am your mother because I despise the day I miss your first steps if you are at daycare. I am your mother because when I take you for walks I plot out how I will kick anyones ass that dares to come too close in a threatening manner. I am your mother because even when I am functioning on zero sleep, there is nothing I want to do more than take care of you. When you cry, my first instinct is to pick you up, and when I am not with you I count down the hours until I get to see you.  I am your mother and I am blessed.