Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Life with Maddie Leigh

Has anyone ever tried telling you "never have a baby" or "babies are so much work" or my personal favorite "you can kiss your social life goodbye"? If so, those people are on crack! Yes, having a baby is hard work, and yes it is exhausting and your social life changes, but it is also rewarding and FUN. Life with Maddie Leigh is everything I thought it would be and more. We are blessed with such a sweet, little chick and watching her learn new things is exciting. The first time she rolled over, I just about died inside! I am convinced she is a baby genius...just like every mother thinks their baby is a "baby genius! ;) I write in her baby book constantly. I do not want to forget anything! We love her so much.

As a new mom, I find myself focusing 110% on our baby. So much that I swear my brain does not have enough capacity for anything else. I am constantly forgetting stuff everywhere, and I can barely complete a task without getting side tracked. I am that mom that leaves things behind no matter how much inventory I take before walking out my door or someone else's door! And I can't help it, MATT, if I do not replace the toilet paper...Maddie wanted to show me how she jumps in her jumparoo! ;) Matt has been understanding of my lack of brain cells lately. Thank you, husband, for letting me be a hot mess 95% of the time! I hope I am not the only new mom out there that can't function like a normal human being. I mean come fun is it to watch your baby do his/her new tricks and then call 9 different people to tell them how he/she "found their feet!". Point being...thank you family and friends for sounding amused and agreeing with me that Maddie is basically, that's right, a BABY GENIUS. (hehe)

So, on to life with Maddie Leigh. At 5 1/2 months old she is loving her toys and her jumpy saucer. She just loves to work those little legs into a frenzy. We are in big trouble when she learns to walk. She also LOVES to scream at Morgie and Feni (our dogs). She watches their every move. I must say, they are both very good with her. Maddie will grab their ears or try to stick their noses in her mouth and they go with the flow. Her food palate is expanding too. She still drinks from bottles, but we recently introduced baby food (in the little jars). Beachnut brand is her favorite. I tried the organic stuff, and she was not into it! Go figure. She likes the good shit! Her favorite fruit is applesauce and her favorite veggie is anything orange. Sweet potatoes, sweet carrots and sweet corn! She has really gotten the hang of eating from her baby spoon too. She lunges at it like she hasn't eaten in days! She knows as soon as I stick that bib on her it's go time. I knew I called her the chick for a good reason...her little mouth is open like a baby bird before I even dip the spoon in her bowl. It is so fun to laugh with the chick. She is getting such a personality! Here are some pictures from this summer.

Maddie with her cousins (Connor and Sydney). Visiting Nana and Papa in Dallas!

Maddie Leigh having a fun time on her jungle gym. Chick loves a jungle  gym.

Her jumparoo! She goes nuts in this thing.

Daddy and the Chick. Twins!

Mmmmm sweet potatoes.

Mommy and the Chick. How cute is that face!?
Maddie also started at her new daycare on October 8th. It is an at home daycare in Methuen, and so far so good! Miss Liza (the daycare provider) sends me pictures every day Maddie is there, and writes in a book telling me all about Maddie's day. I am still getting used to someone else caring for my baby, and cuddling with my baby. I can't help but think I should be the one doing all of that. It is hard for Matt and I to adjust to the whole daycare concept, but I know it will be good for her in the long run. She has already made little baby friends. :)

Maddie's new friend at daycare. His name happens to be Matty. Ironic.
I will try to keep up with my blogging, especially now that Maddie is getting more and more active. I can't wait to see her crawl and walk! She is such a special chickie!

Sweet Chick <3

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